Sunrise At: 5:47 AM

Sunset At: 8:26 PM

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Quran Reading

Understanding Quran Reading with Imam

Join us at Banbury Madni Masjid for an enlightening session on the art of Quran reading with our respected Imam. This workshop is designed to deepen your understanding of the Holy Quran and enhance your recitation skills. Whether you are a beginner or someone looking to refine your skills, this event promises to be beneficial for all attendees.

The session will begin with an introduction to the basic principles of Quranic recitation. Our Imam will guide you through the correct pronunciation of Arabic letters and the proper application of Tajweed rules. This foundational knowledge is crucial for anyone wishing to improve their Quran reading and ensure they are reciting in a manner that is both beautiful and correct.

  • Learn essential Tajweed rules
  • Practice proper Quranic pronunciation
  • Tips for memorizing the Quran
  • Guidance on how to apply learned skills daily

Following the introductory teachings, there will be a practical workshop where participants will have the opportunity to recite and receive individual feedback from the Imam. This hands-on approach is designed to help rectify common mistakes and improve confidence in recitation. The Imam will also address various common questions and provide insights into the deeper meanings of the verses.

The session aims not only to teach the technical aspects of recitation but also to inspire a deeper connection with the text. Through understanding and proper recitation, participants can foster a more profound spiritual relationship with the Quran. We warmly invite everyone interested in enhancing their Quran reading skills to join us for this special event at Banbury Madni Masjid.

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