Sunrise At: 5:47 AM

Sunset At: 8:26 PM

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Soft Landscaping: Banbury Mosque, Oxfordshire

Soft Landscaping: Banbury Mosque, Oxfordshire

4th Corner have completed soft landscaping works at Banbury Madni Masjid Mosque and Community Fridge. Soft Landscaping Operations Leader, Nick Oliver, and Operative, Callum Blackwell, were responsible for planting shrubs, roses and trees across the car park and hanging baskets to create a welcoming space for the Mosque’s visitors.

The works were overseen by Yasmin Kaduji (pictured below with Nick), who personally chose the locations and species of the shrubs.

We planted a variety of different species to improve the site’s biodiversity, including 40 Erigeron ‘Azure Beauty plants. These lilac, daisy-like flowers are native to Mexico and Central America, and thrive in warmer weather. Importantly, they are particularly attractive to pollinators!

Surrounding the car park, we used larger shrubs to create a luscious, full border. These includes Hostas, Hebes and Euonymus to provide lots of green foliage and make the bright Erigeron flowers pop.

We also planted several standard roses towards the main entrance of the Mosque to create an immediately appealing sight and scent! Pink, red and yellow roses will look beautiful when in bloom, and add even more colour to the site.

Several ornamental and apple trees were planted within the border to provide privacy and add more greenery to the area. They joined the pre-existing apple and pear trees that had previously been planted, increasing the amount of blossom to look forward to next Spring!

While onsite, we hand-weeded all shrub beds, cleared the area of any pre-existing dead shrubs, and ensured that the whole area was left tidy for the community of Banbury to enjoy.

Banbury Mosque is also home to Banbury Community Fridge. Open daily and available to the whole community, the Community Fridge saves food from the local Marks & Spencer, Tesco and Waitrose that would usually go to landfill and uses it to feed local residents. Funded by Hello Fresh and Sanctuary Housing, they offer a warm space for anyone who comes along, serving free hot biryani meals alongside tea and coffee every monday evening.

The Mosque is also home to a hygiene bank, which provides toiletries and other hygiene products donated by Banbury businesses to those in need.

For more information, visit the Community Fridge’s Facebook Page.

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